Saturday, April 21, 2018

Scale Model of 1901 Curved Dash Olds

This, the 57th anniversary of my father’s death (4/21/61), seems an appropriate place to re-start my on-again-off-again James Melton blog. (I do apologize for my laxity, the result of traveling and later recovery from hip replacement surgery.) My absence has not been for lack of material—far from it! There’s something new to talk about almost every week.

For instance, remember that half-size 1901 Curved Dash Olds my father carried on our yacht? (See blog entry July 19, 2010.) Just last week I heard from the grandson of the fellow who built it—Richard H. Francis. As his grandson, Jon, remembers it, his grandfather Dick built one to drive in the 1949 Mummers Parade in Philadelphia. My father saw it, and asked Dick to built one for him!

Thanks to Jon, who sent me photos of “Mabel,” the original car, which Dick copied for my father.